Thursday, July 29, 2010

Too Close to the Project

I have realized that I am too close to the project to have an objective opinion. Of course, I am speaking of the Christening outfit I am designing and, in theory, making. Here is a rough sketch.
I have created a design that I LOVE, but in it's simplistic elegance, is boring to make. I have barely worked on it because the use of a continuous single crochet stitch is boring. I love making lace and doilies because of the stitches and details and frills. Row after row after row of single crochet makes me INSANE!

To top it off, I still have not found more of the yarn I need. I think it's time to start again with a different yarn. I found a nice lace weight cashmere blend, but I'm wondering about the practicality with an infant. Drops has a baby alpaca that is nice, but again, I am concerned about spit ups and stains. The Bernat Cool Crochet is completely washable and makes a nice baby garment.

I need to step away from the project and look at it objectively. Maybe I should get someone on the outside in to help? If anyone is reading this blog, what is your opinion???

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Duty of a Godmother

On July 11, I threw a baby shower for my dear friend. Well, I tried to throw a shower. See, about a month after I decided I wanted to do it, her mother-in-law jumped in and changed EVERYTHING and increased the guest list. I was MORTIFIED! She pretty much took over. I was able to get my say on some things in the end and I'm so thankful for the help. When all was said and done we had a beautiful Jack-n-Jill baby shower that made both Mommy and Daddy cry.

After the party, my husband and I brought our kids by the house to visit with our friends. They pulled me aside and asked me to be the new baby's Godmother! YAY!!! Oh, and my husband was NOT going to be the Godfather... AWKWARD!!!! I cried, said yes, and began contemplating how I was going to break the news to my husband.

In the car on the way home I approached the subject. He responded, "It's about time they asked you!" Wait, what? It would seem that several months ago, our friends approached him to make sure he wouldn't be offended if they asked me and not him. The little stinker knew all along and never breathed a word about it!!

So... The DUTY of a Godmother....

I decided that since I love making Christening sets so much, I must make a one of a kind outfit for my new godchild. The only catch: We don't know the child's gender.

I designed a baby boy outfit and began to crochet in one of my favorite yarns: Bernat Cool Crochet in Crisp White. This is a discontinued yarn and I can't find any to purchase. I have 2 small skeins. YIKES. Here's hoping it will be enough!

Should the baby be a girl.... I'll start a new gown, which I am already designing in my mind. Why do I make so much work for myself???

If anyone knows where I can find some Bernat Cool Crochet in Crisp White... CONTACT ME!! PLEASE!!!

Fingers, don't fail me now!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Recycling Yarn

On one of my many random visits to, I stumbled upon a vendor selling "recycled yarn". The prices seemed incredibly low, so curiosity took over and I began a Google journey.

What is it? Basically, you take an old outdated knitted/crocheted item and break it back down into yarn. There's much more to it than this, but that's the basic idea.

After spending quite a bit of time reading up on the idea and suggestions, I decided to give it a go. I stopped at the local thrift store on my way home from work and searched through the sweater section -- not an easy feat in the middle of the summer, but there were no crowds in that area, which was good. Onlookers must have thought I was insane. I first looked for colors and textures that I liked, then I examined the seams inside the sweaters. Some sweaters that are commercially made have cut and surged edges and will not work for recycling. A lot of them, though, were fine! I selected a red and pink mixed cotton sweater and a very large pink plus sized cardigan (bigger sweater = more yarn). Total cost: $8.98

When I got home, I tended to the children and settled in with the red sweater. I ripped seams and tore out both sleeves. When I got to the front of the sweater, there were pockets to contend with. Here I had my first gross out moment. Pocket dirt. Not lint, DIRT. It was sick. It looked like a mass of thick white cobwebs and actual literal dirt. I brushed it off in the garbage and reminded myself that I will be washing this yarn and continued to rip.

I now have four small balls of yarn and the back of the sweater yet to rip out. Then I need to hank it, wash it, and move on to the pink sweater.

Warnings: I felt disgusting when I was done ripping for the evening. My hands felt grimy. You have no idea what thrift store finds have been laundered in, if anything at all. If you try this technique for reclaiming fibers at a low price, remember to launder them. EEEEWWWWW! Next time, I might even wash the sweater prior to ripping!

So... enough yarn to knit a sweater for about $4.50 each? Is it worth it? YES! There was a lot of yarn there. I haven't yet measured, so stay tuned, but it was a lot. If you have more time than I did, you can seek out more luxurious yarn blends. Look for cashmere or another fun blend. The sky is the limit and your pocketbook isn't busted!

I think I have a new hobby.... :o)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Welcome to my BLOG!

I decided that it was time to start a blog. Inspired by the movie Julie and Julia, I like the idea of committing to something for a period of time and sticking with it no matter how difficult it may seem. So... at risk of looking completely foolish and putting something out into the void that it is quite possible that no one will ever look at, I am going to throw it all out there!

Trikel's Trinkets is the name of the non-profit organization I have created but never officially filed anywhere. Perhaps someday I will officially own the name, but if you are trying to figure me out, I guess it would be best if we started with the basics.

TRIKEL -- That's me. I'm Trikel. I have been since college when I first found a need to develop a web handle. Why Trikel? It's really kind of silly. I was on one of those old chat boards where there were no images and people were playing some form of goofy role playing game. Everyone had funky sci-fi names and I felt a need to join in. I became Tri-Kel, as in three Kels. I was thinking Kelvin or something stupid like that. As time passed it evolved to Trikel, pronounced like trickle, and it stuck. You can call me Trik, but please do not call me Trixie!

TRINKETS -- That's easy enough, I'm a crafter. More specifically I knit and crochet, but I'm always willing to make something fun. In this blog you will learn about my creations. All items I make are either gifted or sold for charity. My charity of choice is The National MS Society, however, you will find me donating to organizations that provide empowerment to battered women as well.

Welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy the ride!